An issue with the ticket creation date and due date being the same.

ARTICLE ID : 8862 08 Mar, 2022 13:11 Issues
Request: The client has reached out to us with their concern regarding the ticket creation date and the due date being the same.


We must check if the ticket numbers are shared by the client, if not shared we must request the ticket numbers.


  • This issue occurs when the ticket lands in the folder where the SLA time is updated as 0 minutes.
  • In this case, we can go ahead and inform the client that the SLA time was not mapped for the folder and hence the Ticket creation date and the due date will remain the same.
  • This issue can be resolved by mapping the SLA time for the folder.

To add SLA:

While creating the folder we can also configure the folder by adding an SLA to the folder.

Template (to be used for gathering the SLA time for the mentioned folder)

Hello XXXX,
Greetings from Kapture!
We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue with the ticket creation date and the due date being the same.
We would like to inform you that the SLA time was not mapped for the folder and hence the Ticket creation date and the due date will remain the same. In order to get this sorted, we would request you to please share the SLA time to be added to the folder.
If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

Template (to be used after making changes to the SLA time)

Hello XXXX,
Greetings from Kapture!
We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue with the ticket creation date and the due date being the same.
We have gone ahead and made the necessary changes and you will now be able to view the due date accordingly.
If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.


  • Complete the Verification.
  • Follow the mentioned procedure based on the request.
  • If the issue persists after following the validation process and mentioned procedures the issue must be raised in the present week thread- “XX || Kapture Priority Issues || Team P” 

Acknowledgement Template (When the request is forwarded to the technical team):

Hello XXXX,
Greetings from Kapture!
We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding the facebook tickets not being created.
We have forwarded your request to the concerned team. We will update you regarding the same within XXXX hours.
If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.