An issue with call tickets not being created.

ARTICLE ID : 8977 23 Mar, 2022 14:05 Issues
Request: The client has reached out to us with their concern regarding the tickets not being created for inbound calls.

  • We must go ahead and check if the DID number, call logs for the integrated phone number and the employee name are shared by the client.
  • We must check if the DID Number is integrated with Kapture.
  • We must check if the employee code is mapped to the employee.


CASE 1: Tickets are not getting created as the DID Number is not integrated with Kapture.

  • When the DID number is not integrated with Kapture, we must go ahead and inform the client that in order for a ticket to be created, the DID number and the URL generated from our end must be updated by the cloud vendor team.
  • After confirming with the client, we can share the ScreenPop URL and the Callback URL with the cloud vendor team. 

NOTE: If the vendor is a dialer we share the offline URL. 

  • Once we receive the confirmation from the Cloud vendor team that the URLs are configured, we can test the same from our end.


Configuration>Cloud telephony>Cloud number.

Template(If the DID Number is not integrated):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding the tickets not being created.

We have reviewed your account and we see that the DID Number has not been integrated with Kapture. In order for the call tickets to be created, we must integrate the DID Number, ScreenPop URL, and the Callback URL generated from our end and get it updated from the Cloud Vendor. 

We request your confirmation before proceeding with the integration.



Template(To be used post-integration of the DID Number):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate your patience and understanding.

We have gone ahead and integrated the DID Number into your account.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.



CASE 2: Tickets are not getting created for inbound calls when the employee is not logged into Kapture but logged in to the cloud portal:

  • We must go ahead and check if the Screenpop URL and the call logs for the integrated phone number, campaign name, and employee name are shared by the client. If the required information is not shared, we must go ahead and gather the ScreenPop URL and the Callback URL from the Call Cloud vendor team.
  • We must go ahead and check if the employee was logged in when the call ticket was created by checking in the log-in detail report.

Steps to check the status of the employee:

  • In order to check the status of the employee, we must go to the “Ticket Report” tab.

  • We must then go to the “Login detail report” in the Ticket report tab and enter the ticket creation date and time in order to generate the report to check the status.

  • Once the report is generated, we will be able to check the status of the employee.

Template(to be used if the status was unavailable):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding call tickets not being created.

We have reviewed your account and we see that the employee was unavailable when the call landed due to which the ticket was not created in Kapture.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.




  • Complete the Verification.
  • Follow the mentioned procedure based on the request.
  • If the issue persists after following the validation process and mentioned procedure the issue must be raised on JIRA || Team P

Acknowledgement Template (When the request is forwarded to the technical team):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding the tickets not being created.

We have forwarded your request to the concerned team. We will update you regarding the same within 24-48 hours.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

