Unable to map queues.

ARTICLE ID : 9143 19 Apr, 2022 12:51 Issues
Request: The client has reached out to us with their concern regarding an issue with mapping the queues.


  • We must ensure that the Queue name and employee details are provided by the client.
  • We must check if the employees are already mapped to different queues and check the Queue auto-assign type.


  • While mapping queues we must check if the employees are mapped to different queues and also check the Auto assign-type of the queue in which they are already mapped.
  • For example: When a set of employees are mapped to Queue “A” the Auto assign-type is set to Round Robin or Chat task with round-robin. The same set of employees can be mapped to a Queue “B” only if the auto-assign type remains the same. 
  • When we try to map the same set of employees to Queue “C” with the auto-assign type as One at a time, it will not be mapped due to a change in the auto-assign type and will trigger an error.
  • An error would be triggered even when we try to map a set of employees mapped to Queue “C” with the Auto assign-type set to One at a time to Queue “D” with the auto-assign type as One at a time.

  • If we see that the client is unable to map the queues due to a change in the Auto-assign type, we can go ahead and inform them that the employees are mapped to a different queue wherein the auto-assign types differs when checked with the queue previously mapped and the queue that they are currently trying to map.
  • Changes can be made to the queue auto-assign type only if the client requests for the same.

Procedure to change the Auto-assign type:

Ticket>Ticket Queue>Auto-assign type.

Template( to be used when the auto-assign type differs/One at a time):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue with mapping users to the queue.

We would like to inform you that you will not be able to map employees to a queue if they have already been mapped do a different queue with the auto-assign type as “One at a time”. In order to map employees to a new queue, the auto-assign type must remain the same for Eg. Two queues must have the assign type set to Round Robin for the mentioned employees.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.




  • Complete the Verification.
  • Follow the mentioned procedure based on the request.
  • If the issue persists after following the validation process and mentioned procedures the issue must be raised on JIRA || Team P 

Acknowledgement Template (When the request is raised on JIRA|Team P):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue with mapping users to the queue.

We have forwarded your request to the concerned team. We will update you regarding the same within XXXX hours.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

