Unable to view or download the images shared on the ticket in Kapture.

ARTICLE ID : 9165 26 Apr, 2022 16:17 Issues

Issue: Unable to view or download the images shared on the ticket on Kapture.


  • We must go ahead and check if the image file contains any special characters.


  • In case, the image file provided contains a special character, we must go ahead and inform the customer that the image file name must be changed and should not contain any special character so that it can be attached to the ticket.

  • We must also ensure that the image file format is correct.

Image formats that are suitable to be attached to the ticket are mentioned in the list below:

Abbreviation File format File extension(s)
JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group image .jpg , .jpeg , .jfif , .pjpeg , .pjp
PNG Portable Network Graphics .png

  • Follow the mentioned procedure.
  • If the issue persists please raise this on JIRA | Team P

Resolution template:

Hello xxxx, 

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue faced while viewing/downloading the image received on the ticket.

Please make sure that there are no special characters in the image file and the image format must be either JPEG or PNG in order to be attached to the image.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.



Acknowledgement Template (When the request is raised on JIRA|Team P):

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your concern regarding an issue faced while viewing/downloading an image.

We have forwarded your request to the concerned team. We will update you regarding the same within XXXX hours.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

