Request: The client has reached out to us with a request to reassign the leads in bulk.
● We must ensure that the request has been raised from the registered company domain.
● Gather information of the user to whom the lead must be reassigned.
For bulk assignment of leads please follow the below steps:
- Lead ids and the employee details to be given by the clients.
- We need to forward it to the technical team for a bulk assignment.
- Mention the lead ID and the employee ID to whom the lead has to be reassigned in an excel
- While sending out an email to the tech team we need to mention the Client CMID.
- We can escalate the request to and Cc
For bulk assignment of leads when the client has provided certain filters:
● Bulk Admin Action tab can also be used if the customer has requested to reassign leads
based on certain filters such as generation date, Assigned to, Follow-up date, etc.
● Bulk Admin Action tab can be used by entering the data based on the information shared
by the customer such as having the leads generated in the last month to the current day
reassigned to a user by using the generation date filter.
● Once the details are filled we can click on the submit button and check for the entries in
the enquiry real-time data tab from which we can reassign the leads by clicking on the
reallocate option.
● Creator option can be used only to change the creator
● Assigned to option can be used only to change the assigned to.
● “Both” option can be used to change both creator and assigned to while reassigning the
Note: Status can also be changed by selecting the “ Select Status” option.
- Complete the Verification.
- Follow the mentioned procedure.
- Double-check the mentioned details before making changes.
- Respond to the client using the resolution template below and add relevant sentences based on the resolution provided.
Resolution Template:
Hello xxxxx,
Greetings from Kapture!
We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your request to reassign the leads.
We have gone ahead and reassigned the leads and you will be able to see the changes for the same.
If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.
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