Creation of Folder/Disposition.

ARTICLE ID : 8914 14 Mar, 2022 11:41 Requests

The client has requested us to add a Folder/Disposition or to remove a Folder/Disposition.


  • We must ensure that the request has been raised from the registered company domain.
  • Check if the folder names are shared and check if it is a bulk folder creation request.

Creation of a single folder:

  • We can assist the customer with the addition of a disposition by going to the Ticket Folder Tab and creating the required Folder/Disposition.

To add an out-of-office hours template:

While creating the folder we can add an out-of-office hours template which would be automatically sent as a response for tickets received during non-working hours.

To add the alerts:
  • An Internal or customer Email/SMS Alert can also be set when the ticket is created, assigned, resolved, and junked by mapping the templates under “Customer email alert”, “Customer SMS Alert”, “Internal Email Alert” and “Internal SMS Alert” to get notifications.

  • For Internal web notification when the ticket is assigned, resolved, or junked you can check the box shown in the image below:

  • Custom Email/SMS Notification can be sent based on create, assigned, resolved, and junked and you can add multiple email IDs and phone numbers comma separated in the custom email and the custom phone field.

To add SLA and Shift:
  • While creating the folder we can also configure the folder by adding an SLA to the folder and setting a shift time which would help in the auto assigning of tickets.

For Uploading Folders in Bulk:

  • We can use the upload folder option in the Ticket Folder Tab.

  • By using the “Upload Folder” option we can upload the excel sheet.

  • Add the folder names based on the folder hierarchy.

  • Add the folder level triggers by using the triggers sheet-like SLA, Shift and templates, etc.

  • In the triggers sheet, we can add the folder levels and add the template to the mentioned fields using the same name of the template in our system and using client-approved SMS templates.
  • In the image below the purpose of each field is shown and the output to be used is mentioned below:

  • The Output keys would be the email/SMS Templates for these fields.
  • For the Internal Notification field, the output would be “YES” or “NO”

  • For Internal Assigned SMS/Email alert the output would be the SMS/Email Template for the Internal assigned email/SMS alert.

  • The SLA and Shift can also be added by using the below fields.

  • Complete the Verification.
  • Follow the mentioned procedure based on the request.

Template for Folder Creation:

Hello XXXX,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your request to add a new folder/disposition to your account.

We have gone ahead and added the mentioned folder to your account and you will be able to see the changes for the same.

If the changes do not reflect on the account, please press Ctrl+Shift+R and perform a hard reload.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

