Disable an employee.

ARTICLE ID : 8919 14 Mar, 2022 15:01 Requests
Request: The client has reached out to us with a request to disable an employee.


  • We must ensure that the request has been raised from the registered company domain.
  • Verify if any other employees are reporting to the mentioned employee before disabling the employee.
  • Check if there are any leads/customers assigned to the particular user and if any leads/customers are assigned please confirm to whom it has to be reassigned. Ensure to reassign to a different user before disabling.


Agent must log in to the account > Employee> Employee Search > Select the mentioned user> Click on the “Disable Employee” option.


  • Complete the Verification.
  • Follow the mentioned procedure.
  • Double-check the mentioned details before making changes.
  • Before disabling the user from the system, customer/leads/tickets which are assigned to him/her should be reallocated to an active user.
  • Respond to the client using the resolution template below and add relevant sentences based on the resolution provided.
  • We must also check if there are any active tickets since we don't get an alert if any tickets are associated with employees while disabling.

Resolution Template:

Hello xxxxx,

Greetings from Kapture!

We appreciate that you have reached out to us with your request to disable an employee.

We have gone ahead and disabled the mentioned employee.

If you require further assistance or have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to get back in contact with us and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

